Veterinary Services

Veterinary services for pets in and around Walsall

Flea and Tick Treatment

No-one likes fleas. Their bite can be very annoying to both owners and their pets, causing the animal to become irritated and start scratching. Female fleas can lay 40 to 50 eggs per day, usually on the host, although as these multiply they can roll off onto surrounding areas and therefore it is much easier to prevent an infestation rather than treat the pet and house afterwards. Remember 95% of a flea population during an infestation is not on the pet but in your home!

Not only that but the skin condition Flea Allergic Dermatitis can be very sore and expensive to treat. As well as being irritable, flea larva can be infected with tapeworm eggs and if eaten by your pet they can become a host to the parasite. The rabbit disease Myxomatosis can also be spread by fleas. Prevention is better than a cure!

Ticks are small arachnids who satisfy their nutritional requirements on a diet of blood. They are vectors for a number of diseases including Lyme Disease, Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis which can be passed on within 48 hours. Ticks will also attach themselves to humans and potentially pass on these diseases.

Ticks are more active during warmer weather and in areas with woods, bushes, high grass or leaf litter. They are also more common in areas populated with sheep and deer. Pets should be checked regularly during the summer months especially if they frequent areas listed above. If you do find a tick on your pet it will need to be removed, this can easily and safely be done using a tick remover which can be picked up at all our branches.

Which products should I use to treat my pet against fleas and ticks?
The choice of product and route of administration will depend on the circumstances of the client and pet. We stock a number of products including spot-ons, tablets, sprays and collars to prevent an infestation of fleas and ticks. The products we stock are 'prescription only' and require pets to be examined yearly.

Routine flea and tick treatment is provided as part of our Pet Health Club which provides a routine health plan at exceptional value.


Why should I microchip my pet?
A large number of pets go missing every year. If they are found and brought to a vet, pet charity inspector or the council warden they can be scanned and traced back to you in a matter of hours. The chip is implanted by injection and this can be done by a nurse or vet clinic. It causes very little or no discomfort on injection, and is inert so should cause no problem at all afterwards.
Microchipping is included in our popular Pet Health Club.


It is important to vaccinate your pet against a number of debilitating and potentially life-threatening infections.  
We advise that dogs should be vaccinated routinely against the following diseases:

  • Canine Parvovirus
  • Canine Distemper
  • Infectious Hepatitis
  • Leptospirosis

Puppies from the age of 8 weeks (and dogs that need to restart the vaccination course having missed a booster) will require one injection followed by another – two to four weeks later. These injections are the primary course and it is advised that puppies are not exposed to potential infection until 14 days after the second injection. An annual booster is required to provide ongoing immunity throughout the dog's life. We will send reminders when these are due. These vaccines are included at no extra cost to people registered on our Pet Health Club.

We also recommend that you vaccinate your dog against Kennel Cough (a highly contagious cough, spread between dogs in close contact in kennels, at the park, dog shows etc.).
Dogs can also be vaccinated against the following in particular circumstances. Please talk to your vet directly for further information and to find out if they are suitable for your dog:
Rabies – this is a requirement for dogs travelling abroad and it is given as a single injection with a booster every 3 years. The puppy should be 3 months old before it has the primary injection.

Cats should be vaccinated routinely against:

  • Cat Flu
  • Infectious Enteritis (Feline Panleucopenia)

Kittens from the age of 9 weeks (and cats that need to restart the vaccination course, having missed a booster) will require one injection followed by another – three weeks later. They will then need to have an annual booster to ensure immunity throughout life. We will send reminders when the vaccinations are due. These vaccines are included at no extra charge to people registered to our Pet Health Club.
We also strongly recommend vaccinating against Feline Leukaemia which is transmitted in saliva or exchange of bodily fluids e.g. through fighting, mutual grooming, sharing dishes and litter trays etc. This vaccination can be given from 9 weeks, at the same time as their routine vaccinations.
Cats can also be vaccinated against the following in particular circumstances, please talk to your vet directly for further information/to find out if they are suitable for your cat:

Rabies – this is a requirement for cats travelling abroad and it is given as a single injection with a booster every 3 years. The kitten should be 3 months old before it has the primary injection.
Rabbits kept outside for any period of time are advised to be vaccinated against Myxomatosis – a pox virus transmitted by fleas. It is possible to vaccinate your rabbit against both Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease with one injection. This can be given from the age of 5 weeks. They will need an annual booster injection to ensure continued immunity and we will remind you of these when they are due.

Weight Management

About 50% of pets are overweight! This is mainly due to lack of exercise and overeating. There are many serious health problems associated with obesity, such as heart problems, arthritis and even diabetes mellitus. If you can’t feel your cat or dog's ribs easily then it may be time to bring your pet to the surgery for a free weight check.

Pet Health Club®

At Pet Health Club™, we prioritise the health and happiness of your pet. Our specially designed pet health plans are aimed at providing preventative healthcare for your pets while also helping you save money. With our plans, you can spread the cost of your pet's preventative healthcare, making it easier on your budget.

Our plans include:

  • Annual vaccinations
  • A healthy pet check, every six months
  • Year-round flea, tick and worming treatment
  • Discounts on dental checks and treatments
  • Discounts on pet food and medication
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